Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

C.7. - fitpar.4

Fitpar.4 makes it easy to plot from a catenated group of save-parameter files created with a type 5 fitting user function. Any of the parameters or the chi-squared value may be plotted against any other. In addition, axis labels may be taken from the parameter names.
fn fitpar.4
fn fitpar.4 filename x_index y_index [label_flag]
fn . .  x_index y_index  [label_flag]
Use the sp, sP or sf commands in the fits to save parameter sets to a file. For fitpar.4 the parameter sets need to be gathered consecutively in a single file. You can accomplish this from the fit by saving parameters with the append option, or from the shell by combining files with the UNIX cat utility.

When invoked without arguments, fitpar.4 will ask for the name of the parameter file, let you view a list of the parameter names, prompt you for the parameter index numbers to use for x and y, and ask if you want to have the axis labels taken from the parameter names. If the parameters were saved with errors, those values will be put in the error-bar vector. You can assign the value of chi-squared to x or y by entering -1 as the parameter number.

You can pass both the parameter file name and parameter numbers to the function on the command line from plot. A single dot in place of the file name means to use the same file as before.

For example,
fn fitpar.4 params 0 4
will initialize the function with file params and return parameter 0 in x and parameter 4 in y. A subsequent call
fn . . 0 3
will return parameter 0 as x and parameter 3 as y.

You might find it useful to include in your fit functions parameters that aren't used in the fitting but can be used in this function as one of the axes.

The optional fourth command-line argument turns on and off the feature that assigns axis labels from parameter names. A zero turns the feature off, a non-zero number turns it on.