Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

C-PLOT Manual


[ Command Summary]

              1.1.Analytical tools
                     1.1.2.User functions
                     1.1.4.Batch mode
                     1.1.7.Help and demos
2.Utility commands
              2.1.Commands covered
              2.2.ex exit program
              2.3.h get on-line help
              2.4.cd change directory
              2.5.u create a UNIX subshell
3.Getting and saving data
              3.1.Commands covered
              3.2.gd get data
                     3.2.1.Get-data options
                     3.2.2.File format; specifying columns
                     3.2.3.Comments in data files
                     3.2.4.Modes 1 & 8: Entering data from keyboard
                     3.2.5.Modes 2 & 3: Reading data
                     3.2.6.Modes 4 & 5: Break lines around points
                     3.2.7.Mode 6: Reuse current data points
                     3.2.8.Mode 7: Modify points
                     3.2.9.Point editing commands
                     3.2.10.PseudoGraphics interactive point editing
                     3.2.11.Mode 9: Digitize from pen plotter
                     3.2.12.Mode 10: Switch x and y
                     3.2.13.Modes 11 & 12: Read unlimited data from files
                     3.2.14.Modes 13 & 14: Read data from binary files
                     3.2.15.Mode 15: Erase current data
                     3.2.16.Options +Dskip, =Dtotal, &, . and @
              3.3.sa save current data
              3.4.eb select error-bar mode
4.Using PseudoGraphics
              4.1.Commands covered
              4.2.v draw PseudoGraphics plot
              4.3.va draw PseudoGraphics axes
              4.4.vp draw PseudoGraphics points
              4.5.vb select inclusion of PseudoGraphics axes
              4.6.vt select automatic drawing of PseudoGraphics
              4.7.er erase the video screen
              4.8.gr select PseudoGraphics terminal type
5.Designing the Plot
              5.1.Commands covered
              5.2.2d select 2D mode
              5.3.3d select 3D mode
              5.4.lc line-control mode
                     5.4.1.Line control
              5.5.ra, ro select axis range, select range options
                     5.5.1.Range options
                     5.5.2.Tick spacing
              5.6.np reset axes for new points
              5.7.re reset program for new plot
              5.8.tu turn plot
              5.9.ty select type of plot
                     5.9.1.Axis type
                     5.9.2.Overall plot type
                     5.9.3.Setting values
              5.10.st select plot style
              5.11.sw swivel plot
              5.12.wi select plot window
                     5.12.1.Window sizing
                     5.12.2.Using a pen plotter
              5.13.lo locate plot
              5.14.bo select 3D box ratios
              5.15.vi select 3D plot view
              5.16.tw tweak plot orientation
6.Adding Text
              6.1.Commands covered
              6.2.cs set character sizes
                     6.2.1.Character dimensions
              6.3.ft select font
              6.4.sy select plotting symbol
                     6.4.1.Plotting symbols
              6.5.gk enter symbols and text for plot key
              6.6.tx enter text for plot labels and title
                     6.6.1.Plot title and labels
              6.7.se set parameters
              6.8.yg set gap between y-axis and label
              6.9.Using special characters
                     6.9.1.Formatting sequences
                     6.9.2.Delimited special character sequences
                     6.9.3.Special characters
                     6.9.4.Greek characters
                     6.9.5.Accent marks
                     6.9.6.Miscellaneous sequences
7.Drawing the Plot
              7.1.Commands covered
              7.2.p, pz, z, zz draw complete plot
              7.3.pa, za draw axes
              7.4.pp, zp draw points
              7.5.pb, zb draw error bars
              7.6.pl, zl draw axis labels
              7.7.pt, zt draw title
              7.8.pn, zn annotate
              7.9.pk, zk draw key
              7.10.pd, zd place date in corner
              7.11.Where to put arguments when stringing commands together
8.More Plotter Commands
              8.1.Commands covered
              8.2.in open and initialize pen plotter
              8.3.rp release pen plotter
              8.4.pO# select pen
              8.5.pv select pen velocity
              8.6.pw don't move pen off page
              8.7.px, ps move pen off page
9.Graphics Filter Commands
              9.1.Commands covered
                     9.1.1.Type <return> twice with z commands
              9.2.zi initialize graphics filter
              9.3.zf select filter
              9.4.sc select filter scaling factors
              9.5.zO# select filter line style
              9.6.ze erase old plot
              9.7.zE erase current window
              9.8.zq don't write text to screen
              9.9.zw don't close filter yet
              9.10.zx close filter
              9.11.zs close filter, synchronous
                     9.11.1.Pen numbering
10.Command Files
              10.1.Commands covered
              10.2.do take commands from a file
                     10.2.1.Which directory?
                     10.2.2.Argument substitution
                     10.2.3.Points to remember
              10.3.mk make a command file
              10.4.em end making a command file
              10.5.sf save current format
              10.6.ch change target of drawing commands
              10.7.w wait for user to enter <return>
              10.8.Running in batch mode
11.Using User Functions
              11.1.Commands covered
                     11.1.1.How user functions work
                     11.1.2.Where user functions reside
                     11.1.3.Public functions
                     11.1.5.How does it work?
                     11.1.6.Compiling user functions outside of C-PLOT
              11.2.fn, fO# run a user function
              12.1.Commands summary
              12.2.Introduction to the fitting package
              12.3.2d, 3d select data exchange mode
              12.4.ch calculate chi-squared
              12.5.fc set fit criteria and fit options
                     12.5.1.Weighting the data
                     12.5.2.Number of iterations
                     12.5.3.Style of printout
                     12.5.4.Taylor series fits
                     12.5.5.Convergence and statistical parameters
              12.6.fi fit the data points
                     12.6.1.Description of the fit output
              12.7.fv set fit verbosity
              12.8.gp get parameter values
              12.9.lm set parameter constraints
              12.10.md make data
              12.11.mr make residuals
              12.12.pg get points from the plot program
              12.13.ps send points to the plot program
              12.14.ra select range to fit
              12.15.rp read parameters from a file
              12.16.sA save plot points
              12.17.sa save data points
              12.18.sp, sP, sf, sF save parameters
              12.19.vp select parameters to vary
              12.20.wt select how to weight data points
              12.21.Adding your model equation to the prototype
                     12.21.2.Initial definitions
                     12.21.3.Initial code
                     12.21.4.Initializing the parameters
                     12.21.5.Referring to parameters
                     12.21.6.Referring to independent variables
                     12.21.7.The fitting equation
                     12.21.8.Adding your own commands
                     12.21.9.Referring to data within your subroutines
                     12.21.10.Useful routines for interactive running
A.Setting up the Site
              A.1.Installing the software
              A.2.Standard files
              A.3.The site initialization file
                     A.3.1.What plot gets from the environment
              A.4.Help files
              A.5.Installing graphics filters
              A.6.Optimizing terminal capabilities for PseudoGraphics
              A.7.Compiling user functions
              A.8.Sample user functions and demos
B.Plot Fonts
              B.1.About the fonts
              B.2.Font 0
              B.3.Font 1
              B.4.Font 2
              B.5.Font 3
              B.6.Font 4
              B.7.Font 5
              B.8.Font 6
              B.9.Font 7
              B.10.Font 8
C.Standard User Functions
              C.1.User functions covered
                     C.2.1.Lower-case letters
                     C.2.2.Upper-case letters
                     C.2.5.Other things
                     C.2.6.Error handling
                     C.11.1.Command line options
                     C.11.2.Specifying scans
                     C.11.3.File conventions
                     C.11.4.Data columns
                     C.11.5.Entering options
                     C.11.6.The index file
                     C.11.7.Normalization and error bars
                     C.11.8.Number of points
D.Demo Files
              D.1.Plane curves
              D.2.Psychedelic patterns
              D.3.Fourier transforms
              D.4.Contour plots
              D.6.Feature demo
              D.7.USA map
              D.8.Mathematical text
              D.10.Pen numbers
E.Writing User Functions
              E.1.Compiling user functions
                     E.1.1.Text and labels
                     E.1.2.Error-bar, line-control and orientation modes
                     E.1.3.Plot type and logarithmic axes
                     E.1.4.Axis ranges
                     E.1.5.Plot and page window coordinates
                     E.1.6.Number of points
                     E.1.7.Miscellaneous macros
                     E.1.8.Setting and retrieving data points
                     E.1.9.Data generation
                     E.1.10.Getting command line options and keyboard input
                     E.1.11.Getting and setting data points
                     E.1.12.Getting and setting auxiliary data arrays
                     E.1.13.Quitting the function