Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

A.3.1. - What plot gets from the environment

Several shell variables are normally set when you log on to the computer -- some automatically by the login process, others from the contents of your .profile files if you are using the Bourne shell, /bin/sh, or your .login file if you are using /bin/csh.

C-PLOT looks at the following environment variables:

 Variable   Default   Description 
 CPLOT_DO_DIR   $CPLOTHOME/cmdfiles   Alternate command file directory1 
 CPLOT_FN_DIR   $HOME/functions   User's function directory 
 CPLOT_GD_DIR   .   Alternate data directory1 
 CPLOTHOME   /usr/cplot   Location of C-PLOT auxiliary files 
 EDITOR   vi   user function editor 
 HOME   .   User's home directory 
 SHELL   /bin/sh   Program to spawn with u command 
 TERM   vt100   Terminal name or type 
 TMPDIR   /tmp   Directory for temporary files 

1The value may be a colon-separated list of directories.

The last four names are standard variables used by many programs. The first four are particular to this package. To set an environment variable in a .profile file appropriate for /bin/sh, you would put lines in the file similar to:

For a .login file appropriate for /bin/csh, would put a line similar to:
setenv CPLOT_DO_DIR /usr/joe/cmdfiles
When you create subshells from C-PLOT, the variable CPLOTLOCK is added to the environment. Any time an instance of C-PLOT starts up, it prints a warning message if CPLOTLOCK is present in the environment, to help you avoid inadvertently running nested versions of C-PLOT.