Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

6.7. - se set parameters

allows you to control certain plot parameters.
se dash [dash_length]
se spacing [vert_spaces]
se tl [tick_length_percent]
se xtl [x_tick_length_percent]
se ytl [y_tick_length_percent]
se ztl [z_tick_length_percent]
se do_dir [cmd_file_directory]
se fn_dir [function_directory]
se gd_dir [data_directory]
se sigfig [number_of_digits]
The se command lets you change the values of several C-PLOT parameters. If you type se by itself, you will be prompted to enter values for each of the settable parameters. You can then type a new value or enter <return> to use the current value.

If you type se and the name of a settable parameter, you will be prompted for a new value for just that parameter. You also can directly type the parameter name and value on the command line.

The settable parameters currently are:

dash -- controls the pattern length of the dashed and dotted lines drawn when the plot symbol is A, B, C, D, E or F. The default pattern length is 1 C-PLOT millimeter. The dash-length value is restored to the default value when you enter the reset command, re.

spacing -- controls the spacing used between lines of text drawn as annotation or as the plot key. The units of this parameter are the height of the text. The default value -- 1.5 times the text height -- is restored when you enter the reset command, re.

tl -- lets you control the length of the tick marks. The value specifies the length of the long tick marks as a percentage of the length of the longest axis. By entering a value for tl, you turn on the mode where the tick marks for all the axes are the same length. This mode is the default and is set by the reset command, re, as is the default value of 1.5 percent.

xtl, ytl, ztl -- let you control the lengths of the tick marks for each axis independently of the other axes. The value is the percentage of the length of the axis along the direction the tick marks point. By entering a value for any of these parameters, you turn on the mode where the tick marks for each axis are scaled independently. The reset command, re, turns off this mode.

do_dir -- contains the name of the directory used to look for command files with the do command when a file isn't in the current directory or you haven't specified a path name that contains a slash character. The default value is taken from the value of the environment variable CPLOT_DO_DIR, if that exists. Otherwise, the default value is $CPLOTHOME/cmdfiles. The parameter may contain a colon-separated list of directories, in which case each directory is checked in turn for the file. The value of do_dir is not changed by the reset command, re.

fn_dir -- contains the name of the directory to use for private user functions with the fn command. The default value is taken from the value of the environment variable CPLOT_FN_DIR, if that exists. Otherwise, the default value is $HOME//functions. The value of fn_dir is not changed by the reset command, re.

gd_dir -- contains the name of the directory used to look for data files with the gd command when a file isn't in the current directory and you haven't specified a path name that contains a slash character. The default value is taken from the value of the environment variable CPLOT_GD_DIR, if that exists. Otherwise, the default value is ., the current directory. The parameter may contain a colon-separated list of directories, in which case each directory is checked in turn for the file. The value of gd_dir is not changed by the reset command, re.

sigfig -- controls the maximum number of significant figures contained in the axis numbers printed on the plot. The default value is six significant figures. The reset command, re, restores the default value.