Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis


draw plot key on pen plotter


2D mode: pk [h|v]

3D mode: pk [x|y|z]


With no arguments, pk moves the plotter pen to the default or the most recent key starting point. If running interactively, you may then reposition the pen using the plotter's control panel. When ready to continue, hit <return>.The plot key (entered with the gk command) is then drawn.

In 2D mode, the optional arguments h and v indicate the distance from the upper-left corner of the plot window to the lower-left corner of the first character of the key text. The default units for h and v are C-PLOT centimeters. However, if the letter u follows either of the values, both values will be interpreted in data units corresponding to the axis numbering.

In 3D mode (in the current release of C-PLOT), the key is written in the x-z plane. The arguments x , y and z position the plane and the lower-left corner of the first line of the key text with respect to the upper right corner of the plane. By default, the arguments are in box units, as set with the bo command. (The default box is one unit long on each side.) If the letter u follows any of the x , y or z values, the position will be taken in data units that correspond to the axis numbering.

The default starting position for the key in 2D mode is .oc h = 0.125 x x_length and v  = 0.125 x y_length, where x_length and y_length are the dimensions of the plot window. The default starting position for the key in 3D mode is x = 0.125, y  = 0 and z = 0.125.

When the key is drawn based on the last-used starting position, that position is remembered in terms of its actual location in the plot window, not data units.

The starting position is reset to the default if the plotting window is changed using the wi command or if the plot is turned using the tu command.

The drawing position advances a fixed amount of space after each line of input text is displayed. The set spacing command lets you change the spacing between successive lines of the key in units of the character height, as set with the cs command. The default spacing is 1.5.


gk pk tu wi