
Connect to sockets


spec user-level socket functions allow you to connect and communicate with sockets created by other processes on the local platform or on a remote host. The user-level access is through the functions sock_get(), sock_put() and sock_par(). (These functions were introduced in spec release 5.01.01, replacing the now deprecated sock_io() function.)


Most of the function calls require a string in the form "host:port" as the first argument to specify the socket. The host can be specified by a symbolic name or by an IP address. The port number is assigned by the process creating the socket.

Reads and returns as many characters as are already available. If no characters are immediately available, waits for input and returns the first character(s) that show up, or returns a null string if no characters arrive before the time-out expires. The maximum number of characters that can be read at a time is this mode is 8191 characters.
sock_get("host:port", n)
Reads up to n characters or until a timeout. If n is zero, the routine reads up to a newline or the maximum of 8191 characters, whichever comes first. In any case, if the read is not satisfied before a timeout, the routine returns the null string.
sock_get("host:port", eos)
Reads characters until a portion of the input matches the string eos and returns the string so obtained, including the end-of-string characters. If no match to the end-of-string characters is found within the timeout period, the null string is returned.
sock_get("host:port", d)
Reads incoming bytes into the data array d. The size of d determines how many bytes are to be read. Sub-array syntax can be used to limit the number of bytes. The function returns the number of array elements read, or zero if the read times out. Note, no byte re-ordering is done for short- or long-integer data, and no format conversions are done for float or double data.
sock_get("host:port", mode)
If mode is the string "byte", reads and returns one unsigned binary byte. If mode is the string "short", reads two binary bytes and returns the short integer so formed. If mode is the string "long", reads four binary bytes and returns the long integer so formed. The last two modes work the same on both big-endian and little-endian platforms. On both, the incoming data is treated as big endian. If the incoming data is little endian, use "short_swap" or "long_swap". (For spec versions prior to release 5.01.01, use int2 for short and int4 for long.)
sock_put("host:port", s)
Writes the string s to the socket described by "host:port". Returns the number of bytes written.
sock_put("host:port", d [, cnt])
Writes the contents of the data array d to the socket described by "host:port". By default, the entire array (or subarray, if specified) will be sent. The optional third argument cnt can be used to specify the number of array elements to send. For short and long integer arrays, the data will be sent using native byte order. The "swap" option of the array_op() function can be used to change the byte order, if necessary. No format conversions are available for float or double data. Returns the number of bytes written.
Lists the available commands.
Lists the existing sockets along with additional information, such as whether the socket is UDP type, whether the socket is internal (as opposed to a user-level socket created by one of the functions described in this document) and whether the socket is set up for listening. The command does not check whether the connection is still alive.
Returns a string that contains the information displayed by the "show" command described above.
sock_par("host:port", "connect" [, "silent"])
Opens a socket to the specified host and port. Returns true for success and false for failure. With the "silent" option, error messages won't be shown (as of spec release 6.00.02).
sock_par("host:port", "connect_udp" [, "silent"])
Opens a socket to the specified host and port using the UDP protocol. Returns true for success and false for failure. With the "silent" option, error messages won't be shown (as of spec release 6.00.02).
sock_par("host:port", "listen")
Sets up a socket for listening, allowing another instance of spec or some other program to make a connection.
sock_par("host:port", "close")
Closes the socket associated with the specified host and port.
sock_par("host:port", "flush")
Flushes spec's input queue for the socket at "host:port". The input queue may contain characters if a sock_get() times out before the read is satisfied, or if more characters arrive than are requested.
sock_par("host:port", "ignore_sim" [, 1|0])
Turns ignore-simulate mode on or off, or returns the current state. When ignore-simulate mode is on, the sock_get(), sock_put() and sock_par() commands will work even when simulate mode is on. Note, simulate mode must be off to create a new socket connection.
sock_par("host:port", "queue")
Returns the number of characters in the socket's input queue. The input queue may contain characters if a sock_get() times out before the read is satisfied, or if more characters arrive than are requested.
sock_par("host:port", "timeout" [, t])
Returns or sets the read timeout for the socket described by "host:port". The units are seconds. A value of zero indicates no timeout - a sock_get() will wait until the read is satisfied or is interrupted by a ^C. The smallest allowed value of 0.001 will cause the sock_get() to return immediately. A negative value resets the timeout to the default of five seconds.
sock_par("host:port", "nodelay" [, 1|0])
Returns or sets the state of the TCP_NODELAY socket option. Normally, the underlying TCP protocol sends data along as it is made available. However, if the previous data packet has not yet received acknowledgment from the client, the protocol holds onto and gathers small amounts of data into a single packet which will be sent once the pending acknowledgment is received or the size of the packet exceeds a threshold. This algorithm increases network efficiency. For some clients that send a stream of short packets that receive no replies, this algorithm may cause unwanted delays. Set the "nodelay" option to 1 to turn off the algorithm, which corresponds to setting the TCP_NODELAY option at the system level.

All the sock_get() calls will store leftover bytes in a queue. Contents from the queue will be returned on a subsequent sock_get() call. Bytes are leftover if the read finishes with a timeout, if more bytes have arrived than are asked for or if more bytes are available after an end-of-string match. Use the "flush" option of sock_par() to clear the input queue, if needed.

To transfer binary byte streams containing null bytes, use the data-array versions of sock_get() and sock_put() with byte arrays. Null bytes mark the end of a normal string.

Note, the "connect" command isn't required to open a TCP connection, as the sock_get() and sock_put() functions will automatically open the connection if it doesn't already exist. The return value from the "connect" command, however, may be useful as a test on whether a given socket can be created. To create a UDP connection, however, the "connect_udp" command must be used.

Connections remain open until closed with the "close" option to "spec_par()". Sockets created at user level are not closed on a hardware reconfig.

The following example connects to the echo service on port 7 of the local host:

SPEC.1> sock_put("localhost:7", "This is a test.\n")

SPEC.2> print sock_get("localhost:7")
This is a test.


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