
Nicomp Model TC-100 Autocorrelator


The Nicomp TC-100 Autocorrelator is selected in the config file as

RS_TC100 = /dev/ttyXX  baud_rate

When running edconf (or the config macro), use the MCAs section of the Devices screen to select the Nicomp autocorrelator.


The mca_par() function controls the correlator behavior as follows:

returns the value of the current clock time parameter in microseconds.
mca_par("clock", value)
sets the clock time parameter. The units for value are microseconds. Valid clock times are of the form X.XeY where X.X ranges from 0.1 to 1.6 and Y ranges from 0 to 5. Values outside these bounds will be rounded to the closest allowed value. The new value takes effect on the next run command.
returns the value of the prescale factor.
mca_par("prescale", value)
sets the value of the prescale factor. Valid prescale values are from 1 to 99. The new value takes effect on the next run command.
returns the state of the baseline mode. A return value of 1 means delayed baseline mode is in effect. A return value of 0 means delayed baseline mode is off.
mca_par("dbase_mode", 1|0)
sets the state of the baseline mode. A value of 1 turns on delayed-baseline mode. A value of 0 turns it off. The new mode takes effect on the next run command.
returns the value of the delayed baseline from the last data obtained using mca_get().
returns the value of the calculated baseline from the last data obtained using mca_get().
returns the value of the total-counts monitor channel from the last data obtained using mca_get().
returns the value of the total-prescaled-counts monitor channel from the last data obtained using mca_get().
returns the value of the run-time monitor channel from the last data obtained using mca_get() in seconds.
clears the correlator.
sends the current clock-time, prescale and delayed-baseline parameters to the correlator and starts the correlator. The tcount() and mcount() functions also start the correlator.
stops the correlator. The correlator is also halted when count intervals specified by tcount() or mcount() have elapsed, or when counting is aborted using a ^C.
reads off the real-time data plot from the running correlator. The data obtained is a very low resolution version of the correlation function.
mca_get(g, e)
reads the current data from the correlator, and stuffs the data into the data group g element e.


clears the correlator.
starts the correlator.
stops the correlator.
reads the correlator data and plots it.
clk [clock_time]
sets the clock time. The macro prompts for a value if it is not given as an argument.
pre [prescale_factor]
sets the prescale factor. The macro prompts for a value if it is not given as an argument.
dbase [0|1]
sets delayed-baseline mode. The macro prompts for a value if it is not given as an argument.
prints the value of the calculated baseline from the last data read.
ct [count_time]
accumulates correlation function for count_time seconds. Plots the data at the end of count_time.
uct [count_time]
accumulates correlation function for count_time seconds. Updates a low resolution display of the correlation function while counting.
does a screen plot of the current data using labels appropriate for a correlation function.

saves the current data to the datafile. After the data points are saved, two lines of information are saved as

#U2 clock_time prescale cbase dbase
#U3 dbase_mode tcnts pcnts rtime

where the parameters are, in order: the clock time, the prescale factor, the values of the calculated and delayed baselines, a zero or one to indicate if the delayed baseline was used, the total counts, the total prescaled counts and the elapsed time from the correlator.