
enter text for title, labels and units


tx [t|x|xu|y|yu|z|zu [text ... ]]


Use tx to enter text for the plot title and for labels and units for each axis. The title is drawn above the plot window. Labels are drawn along the appropriate axis. Units are drawn in square brackets or parenthesis (depending on the plot type - see the ty command) following the labels. Use the cs command to control the dimensions of the characters. Text strings can be up to 256 characters long.

With no arguments, you are prompted to enter each text string. The current string is shown in parenthesis. Hit <return> to simply use the current string. To erase the current string, type a backslash \ followed by <return>.

Initial spaces are removed from the text. Begin a line with a backslash to include initial space.

If you enter a single argument such as t or x,you will be prompted to enter just the title or x-axis label and units, for example. You can also enter the text directly on the command line following the key letter argument, as in

tx t This is the title

A number of special sequences are available for controlling the text format. The two-character sequences are:

\u Move up half a line
\d Move down half a line
\l Make text 25% larger
\s Make text 25% smaller
\r Move up a line
\b Move back one space
\| Insert 1/6 of a space
\^ Insert 1/12 of a space
\B Center next character over prior character

The following sequences take decimal parameters represented by N.The single quotes delimit the parameter, although any character may be used as the delimiter.

\h'N' Move horizontally (negative is left) [1]
\v'N' Move vertically (negative is up) [1]
\R'N' Rotate text [2]
\S'N' Set character size (neg. smaller)
\T'N' Set character angle [3]
\H'N' Move N spaces horizontally [4]
\V'N' Move N lines vertically [4]
\(xx Special-character code
*g Interpolate name of data file
\ Insert a single
\W'str' Move horizontally width of str
[1](1, 2) 12 units per character space for horizontal and vertical motion.
[2]Text rotation in degrees; + is clockwise.
[3]Character rotation in degrees; + tilts right.
[4](1, 2) Movement is from start of line.



