
select font for displaying text


ft [#]


With no parameters, a summary of the available fonts is printed along with the code for the font in use. You are prompted to enter the code for a new font. You can also select a new font by giving its code number as the argument #.

The available fonts are shown in the following table. Samples of each font can be found in the C-PLOT manual.

# Res Description
0 Low Default, single lines without serifs
1 Medium Double
2 High Single line without serifs
3 High Double line with serifs
4 High Triple line with serifs
5 High Double line block characters without serifs
6 High Gothic
7 High Single-line script
8 High Double-line script

C-PLOT forms characters by drawing a series of lines. The font resolution refers to the size of the grid used to design the characters. The low-resolution font, font 0, uses a grid that is 6 units wide by 8 units high. The medium-resolution font uses a 13-by-13 grid, while the high-resolution font uses a 21-by-21 grid. The grid width includes the space between characters. The grid height is for the height of an upper-case letter.

High-resolution fonts may not form readable characters when drawn on low-resolution display devices or in small sizes.

All fonts, except font 0, use proportionally spaced characters. All fonts contain all 94 printing ASCII characters. Fonts 0 and 2 contain the full troff character set, which includes the Greek letters along with mathematical and scientific characters. All fonts except Gothic include Greek letters and some of the special characters in font 0.


ft 4

